Photo by Lucrezia Dipasquale (2022)

Lisette Morales McCabe is a photographer and writer originally from Nicaragua, of Nahua ancestry, she has resided in Florida since 2000. During this time, she has channeled her creative energy into documenting the natural splendor found in South Florida. Simultaneously, she’s interested in the intricate interplay between the land, personal identity, ecology, storytelling, and the diverse perspectives prevalent among local communities.

Her work has appeared on The Washington Post, PBS Native America Season 2, ReVista The Harvard Review for Latin America, BBC, Southern Cultures, NPR, Greenpeace USA, Tampa Bay TImes, Hyperallergic, Univision, Neapolitan Family Magazine, The News-Press, El Café Latino Magazine, and Bloomberg Businessnews. She’s a member of Diversify Photo, The Authority Collective, and Voices of the River of Grass.


My Everglades prayer walks photo documentation is for educational purpose only.